Kyoto University Gender Equality Promotion Center

Nursery Room for Sick Children

The Day Care Room for Infants on Nursery School Waiting Lists


Information regarding Nursery Room for Sick Children operated by the Kyoto University Gender Equality Promotion Center

The Nursery Room for Sick Children (also called “Ko-Mo-Mo”) is a day care facility operated by the Kyoto University Gender Equality Promotion Center. It provides care for sick or convalescent children when they cannot attend their regular day-care facility, kindergarten, or elementary school. It is staffed by nurses and childcare workers who provide appropriate care for sick children in collaboration with Kyoto University Hospital. All the students and faculty/staff members at Kyoto University are eligible to use the service.

The Kyoto University Nursery Room for Sick Children was established as part of the Comprehensive Support for Women Researchers-Kyoto University Model initiative, which was supported by the 2006–2008 Special Coordination Funds for Promoting Science and Technology of the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT).

Overview of the Kyoto University Nursery Room for Sick Children

Location 5th floor of the Visitor Medical Examination Building, Kyoto University Hospital (enter via the east entrance and take the closest elevator on the right to the 5th floor).
Eligible children Ill or convalescent children of Kyoto University faculty/staff members and students.
Age From six months to 6th year of elementary school.
Maximum number of children that can be admitted five, including children in the isolation room.
Open Monday through Friday
(except national holidays, Kyoto University foundation day (June 18), December 29 to January 3, other days on which closure is deemed necessary by the center’s director of the Gender Equality Promotion Center)
•Service hours: 7:30–18:00
Service hours 7:30–18:00
Hourly fee 500 yen per child (including lunch)
Hourly fee 500 yen per child (including lunch)
*Student users receive a 50% subsidy from the university
Staff on site Nurses and child care workers
How to use the service Advance registration (free of charge) must be completed by 16:00 on the day prior to the intended use date. A copy of your staff ID card (except IC Card), student ID card, Notice of Employment, or other document that verifies your affiliation with Kyoto University must be attached to the Advance Registration Form. If you do not have any of the above, please contact to the nursery room in advance.

An advance reservation must be made by telephone between 12:00–18:00 on the day prior to the intended use date or between 8:00–16:30 on the day of use.

Prior to admission, all children must be examined by a physician and a Physician's Report Form must be obtained. The advance medical examination can be performed at the outpatient unit of the Department of Pediatrics of Kyoto University Hospital (reception hours: 8:15–11:00 a.m.).

The Nursery Room for Sick Children will not accept Physician’s Reports obtained from Urgent Care Clinics or the Night Emergency Medical Services.

Please note that the Nursery Room is operated in Japanese, and the childcare is also provided in Japanese. In order to avoid problems with miscommunication, users who are not fluent in Japanese should be assisted by someone who can interpret for them when using the nursery room and when calling to make a reservation.

*The Kyoto University Nursery Room for Sick Children is covered by the Comprehensive Non-Life Insurance for National Universities and the Liability Insurance for National University Hospitals.